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Puly Caff Cleaning Kit

Puly Caff are the market leader world wide for espresso machine cleaning products.

Great for the starter this handy kit includes the following -

1 x Puly Caff Basin

20 x 3.5 Gr of Puly Caff Cleaner

4 x 25ml bottles of Puly Caff Milk

1 x cleaning Brush

2 x 20Gr sachets of Puly Grind grinder cleaner

Puly Cafe Powder (20 x 3.5 Grams) has a strong degreasing and emulsifying action of vegetable fats and the ability to develop active oxygen, is able to clean perfectly the components of the group of coffee machines.

Use for back flushing and soaking. Available in powder and tablets for your convenience. (Domestic machines may not be suitable for back flushing)

Also great to remove stubborn stains on cups and saucers etc.


PULY  CAFF  Plus NSF  Powder  and  Tabswas  the  first  cleaner  specifically  designed  in Puly Caff Italy's Special Applications Research Centre, to service the brewing unit (shower, filter, filter holder) and the back-flush valve of espresso coffee machines. It improve deodorizing and clean without increasing the extractionof toxic metals from common materials of fabrication in espresso machines when used and rinsed accordingto  the  manufacturer’s  instructions(Tested  and  Certified  by  N.S.F.  International  - Protocol  P152  HealthEffects  and  Corrosivity  of  Commercial  Espresso  Machine  Chemical  Cleaner).  It  is  also  unique  forsoaking  cups,  teapots,  etc.:  it  cleans  and  eliminates  all  traces  of coffee,  tea  or  milk  from  crockery  withoutaffecting decorations in any way.


Complete  cleaning  of  the  brewing  filter,  filter  holder  and  back-flush  valve unit: 

1. place  a  rubber disk in  the  filter  holder

2. use  the  normal coffee  filter  with  micro-holes  and  add  1spoonful (approx. 10g or 1-2 tabs) of PULY CAFF Plus NSF

3. Start brewing cicle and wait for at least 25/30seconds and then drain off the water and rinse thoroughly until the water drained is clean. Cleaning of the shower filter and back-flush valve unit only:

a) replace the filter with holes with the blind one provided.

b) Add 1 spoonful (about 10g or 1-2 tabs) of PULY CAFF Plus NSF

c) Start brewing cycle and wait for at least 25/30 seconds  and  then  drain  off  the  water  and  rinse thoroughly  until  the  water  drained  is  clean. Manual cleaning of the brewing filters, filter holder and crockery: prepare a solution of 4 spoonfuls (about 40g or4-8 tabs)  of PULY  CAFF Plus NSF for  every  litre  of  very  hot  water,  using  plastic,  stainless  steel  or  glass containers; leave the items to soak completely for at least one hour (or overnight) and then rinse thoroughly in running water. remember do not soak Porta filter handles.


Generally  used  every  500  cups  of  coffee  as  far  as  unitmaintenance is concerned and weekly to keep the crockery clean and bright. We anyway advise preventive measures to protect the equipment from irreversible damage and to get the most out of your blend of coffee. Remember  that  a  dirty  brewing  unit  does  not  get  the  best  out  of  the  blend  and  the  coffee  will  be watery and have a characteristic burnt taste.

For further information refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet PDF Download.

If you are unsure of the part you require please contact us. We offer a large range of espresso machine spares and accessories to include water filters, Barista supplies, tools and cleaning products.

Our online ordering system is Secure and easy and of course you can order over the phone if you prefer.
Cost effective delivery to UK and Ireland

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